
Is Social Media Right For Your B2B Business?

In our previous article, we spoke in great length about ways in which you can convince your boss to adopt social media ,marketing into the B2B business. The arguments that we presented were pretty powerful and should be enough to sway the Read More →

B2B Social Media Marketing: Convincing The Boss

In our previous article we spoke about why B2b marketing via social media is a good idea, but also touched on how difficult it is for marketers to convince the company SEO of the same thing. If you are a marketer that is well Read More →

The Case For B2B In Social Media

Welcome to the first in a series of posts that will explore the role of business to business (B2B) marketing within the realm of social media. We will do our best to provide you with a comprehensive breakdown of how Read More →

Hosting And Managing A Blog Network

Hosting and managing are critical to a blog network (or even a single blog). When you scale things up it becomes all the more essential that you have good systems in place. You don’t actually need a lot of money Read More →

Why Domain Takeoff?

Welcome to our site! Are you ready to take off with us? In a rather plain way, Domain Takeoff started from our own efforts to manage backlinking campaigns for our clients better. If you’ve been in the industry for a Read More →